Allitek Engineering Company (AECo) For those times in your company when you do not have enough engineering personnel to do the work. When there are more drawings to be done than there are designers or Cadd Operators, or maybe you want temporary help on a proposal work, this is the time to consider Allitek Engineering Company (AECo).
We are primarily an Engineering Consultant Firm that specializes in augmentation of existing Engineering Staff. In some cases, we are the Engineering department for many of our client companies.
We specialize in providing Engineering Services to assist you in these areas:
Conceptual Design
Product Design and Improvement with the goal of Cost Reduction
Solid Modelling
Technical Reports including
Assembly Procedures Acceptance Test Procedures and Reports
Our Engineers and Designers are highly experienced in Military Standards and Specifications. We apply Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing per ANSI y14.5.
Currently, we do most of our work on AutoCadd and Pro-E. Shortly, we plan to add Solidworks
Rendering of a bank of pressure switches used to control an Air Supply Unit